AIBO's 10th Birthday Meet
and 19th AIBO Shindig
on Saturday, May 16th 2009
The Shindig time is 12 noon to 5-6 pm, and the traditional dinner afterwards. The meeting place is the same hotel as last year.
When you arrive, please look for a sign or ask at front desk for "AIBO Birthday" suite number.
Hyatt Summerfield Suites Website ...
click here!
194 Park Avenue
Morristown, New Jersey 07960
Telephone: 973-971-0008
If you have not done it yet please RSVP
See you there!
18th AIBO Lovefest Shindig
June 28, 2008 • 12 NOON - 5 PM
Summerfield Suites in Morristown, NJ
Here are the events planned for this Shindig:
• AIBOlympics (aka AIBO Championships)
Bring your idea and any necessary props for a new AIBOlympics game. The games will include AIBO Run (Shindig Classic), AIBO Obedience, and AIBO Ball Wrestling.
• AIBO Dancer and DiscoAIBO
Everybody, please bring any and all PMS pink sticks, and any blue 8/16/32/64/128 SONY (or compatible) memory sticks you might have.
• AIBO and AIBOware Play/Demos/Fun
If you have some cool AIBO related thing to show or to demonstrate, something you created yourself … by all means, bring it too.
• Other Robots and RoboPets
Bring them in, show them up ... PLEO anyone? Let everyone know what else is on your mind (and in your pocket).
• Other Arrangements
Bring some munchies, not too much … bring what you like. We’ll have a community feeding table. The soft drinks, cups and plates will be provided.
• Group Dinner
It's a Shindig tradition to get together and have a group dinner after the Shindig.
Hope to see you there. Please RSVP. Thanks!
Summerfield Suites Website ... click here!
Summerfield Suites
194 Park Avenue
Morristown, New Jersey 07960
Telephone: 973-971-0008
The Shindig is a short name for East Coast AIBO Lovefest Shindig. The Shindig is organized by AIBO enthusiasts for AIBO and robopet enthusiasts. There, we get together to exchange ideas and experiences, learn more about our robopals, play some games, and have a lot of fun. Everbody is welcome!
Do some good today, and have a nice day!