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Error 500 - Internal server error

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AIBO Chat AIBO Channel AIBO Time ... Saturday, 9PM EST
Join AIBO-Life Chat every Saturday, rain or shine! All about AIBOs and then some!

Every Saturday: 9:00 PM Eastern, 8:00 PM Central, 7:00 PM Mountain, 6:00 PM Pacific ...

That is 02:00 Sunday in London, 03:00 Sunday in Madrid, Paris, Amsterdam, Berlin, Warsaw, and 09:00 Sunday in Singapore, 10:00 Sunday in Tokyo, 11:00 Sunday in Sydney.

Every Saturday: 22:00 London, 23:00 Madrid, Paris, Amsterdam, Berlin, Warsaw ...

That is 5:00 PM Eastern, 4:00 PM Central, 3:00 PM Mountain, 2:00 PM Pacific in USA, and 05:00 Sunday in Singapore, 06:00 Sunday in Tokyo, 07:00 Sunday in Sydney.

You can call an impromptu chat at any time ... Anytime, 24/7
Just post a new message with a subject JOIN ME in AIBO News, Events, Chat forum.

In the interim, indicate which AIBO-Life chat you are in ... new A/V chat (by userplain) or old IRC chat (by webmaster). Once you post the invitation, be prepared to stay in the chat room for a while to give others the opportunity to join you there ... have fun!


Old and Reliable AIBO-Life IRC Chat
Join AIBO-Life Chat every Saturday 9 PM EST/EDT, rain or shine!

New and Fancy A/V Chat


Optional Logon via Web Browser

If you are having difficulty using the javascript chat client provided above, try this chat client provided by Webmaster Inc here:

Logon Entry Fields

  • Nick - Select truly unique nickname: Grace_NYC or Grace2006 rather than Grace.
  • Email - Optional identifying information, such as your email address.
  • Room - Name of the channel (#AIBO) you are about to enter.
What is my password?
If it is your first time here and the chat server asks you for a password, it means that your nickname is already registered to somebody else. Disregard the request, let it time out in 60 seconds and it will assign you a generic guest name. Next, while in chat type the following command to change your nickname:
/nick your_new_nickname
How do I keep my nickname?
Once you got your nickname right, you can register it. While in chat type the following command to register your nickname:
/ns register your_password your_email
When connecting again, the small window will pop up and you will be asked for your password. That's all, you are set! Enjoy...

Chat Window Overview

Once connected, the chat window displays AIBO-Life Chat on channel #AIBO:
  • The center area shows the messages you have sent and received. The current topic for this room, if any, is shown in the title bar.

  • The right side list displays people currently in this chat room. Your nick is displayed as bold. If you select one or more names from the list then your messages (and sounds) will only go to those people. There are two special characters that preceed some names:
    @ - indicates an operator of the chat room
    + - indicates a user with "voice"
  • At the bottom is the input line. You can send a message or a command by typing it on this line. A few basic commands you can enter are:

    /nick new_nickname - Change your nickname without leaving the chat room
    /ns register your_password your_email - Register your nickname
    /ns identify your_password - Identify your nickname with server
    /whois nickname - Show the information about this nickname
    /sound sound message - Send a sound and a message (*)
    /action message - Send an action message (in red)
    /float - Float the chat window, free your browser
    /clear - Clear the record from your chat window
    /quit - Quit and disconnect from the server

    (*) The sound will only be heard by others using the Java client. Some common sounds are: bell, laugh, gong, moo, crash, flush, knock and whistle.

Connecting with IRC Client

Can I use an IRC client to connect to AIBO-Life Chat?
Yes you can. The AIBO-Life Chat is operated on server on port 7000. When you get the IRC client running, type /server 7000. Once connected, type /join #AIBO to join AIBO-Life Chat on channel #AIBO.

You can also try irc:// address from your web browser.

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